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[ATTACH]36[/ATTACH][ATTACH]49[/ATTACH][ATTACH]50[/ATTACH] Poker affiliate, poker operator, poker player, poker magazine owner- I don't care. This life is glamorous!! Well, at least the lives of the male dominated poker somethings that I know are glamorous. Penthouse suites, Jay Z concerts, large diamond encrusted watches, weekly Hard Rock Hotel Rehab excursions, Crystal Champagne and birthday cake at XS, Julius Caesar costumes, multiple tables at Tryst, babes in hotel hot tubs, and the ...
Only two years have passed since I was in [URL="https://www.casinocityrebecca.com/articles/36996.html"]Tel Aviv for a vacation[/URL], but for some reason, I had forgotten how unbelievably beautiful the women are in this city. In fact, it is pretty apparent that roughly 65% of Tel Aviv's population is female, 75% of the population is single, 95% of the population falls between 20 and 40 years of age, and 100% of the population is [I]ridiculously[/I] good looking. Can you think of a better ...
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]Here we go again...another conference, another city, another trip to the airport with eight 50 pound boxes and a booth, another weekend of parties and another industry gossip filled article. What is not to love? The online gambling world certainly loves a conference in Amsterdam, but this time we were situated outside the city and away from the red light district. As a result, throughout my four days in Amsterdam I did not step foot into one peep show, coffee shop, live sex ...
[LEFT]Ok, ok, so maybe CAC Amsterdam was quiet, perhaps the affiliates were far and few between, its true there were very few sponsored parties, and worst of all, the nightlife in Amsterdam is non-existent on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, the three nights of the conference. Sounds awful, doesn't it? Not exactly. From a [URL="https://online.casinocity.com"]Casino City[/URL], GPWA and [URL="https://www.apcw.org"]APCW[/URL] business point of view, our time at CAC was a success ...